Friday, November 30, 2007

History of the O'Sullivan Clan

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to find a complete and well-researched history of the O'Sullivan clan, the most senior branch of the royal family of Ireland. The true meaning and significance of the O'Sullivan name is revealed and the clan tartan and battle flag are introduced. The castles, keeps, and grand houses of the family are reviewed, including Dunderry Castle.

The Clan Master Genealogical Chart

1596 Birth of Phoeniusa Farsaidh [1], king of Scythia
1571 Birth of Niul [2], lord of Capacyront
1546 Birth of Gaodhal [3], lord of Capacyront
1521 Birth of Asruth [4], lord of Capacyront
1496 Birth of Sruth [5], last lord of Capacyront
1471 Birth of Heber Scut [6], king of Scythia
1446 Birth of Beouman [7], king of Scythia
1421 Birth of Ogaman [8], king of Scythia
1396 Birth of Tait [9], last king of Scythia
1371 Birth of Agnon [10], chief brigand of the Caspian Sea
1346 Birth of Lamhfionn [11], last chief brigand of the Caspian Sea
1321 Birth of Heber Glunfionn [12], king of Gothia
1296 Birth of Agnon Fionn [13], king of Gothia
1271 Birth of Febric Glas [14], king of Gothia
1246 Birth of Nenuall [15], king of Gothia
1221 Birth of Nuadhad [16], king of Gothia
1196 Birth of Alladh [17], king of Gothia
1171 Birth of Arcadh [18], king of Gothia
1146 Birth of Deag [19], king of Gothia
1121 Birth of Brath [20], last king of Gothia
1096 Birth of Breoghan [21], king of Spain and Portugal
1071 Birth of Bile [22], king of Spain and Portugal
1046 Birth of Milesius [23], last king of Spain and Portugal
1021 Birth of Heber Fionn [24], Joint Ard Ri of Ireland
996 Birth of Conmaol [25], 12th Ard Ri of Ireland
971 Birth of Eochaidh Faobhar Glas [26], 17th Ard Ri of Ireland
946 Birth of Eanna Airgthach [27], 21st Ard Ri of Ireland
921 Birth of Glas [28], king of Munster
896 Birth of Ros [29], king of Munster
871 Birth of Rotheachta [30], king of Munster
846 Birth of Fearard [31], king of Munster
821 Birth of Cas [32], king of Munster
796 Birth of Munmoin [33], 25th Ard Ri of Ireland
771 Birth of Fauldergoid [34], 26th Ard Ri of Ireland
746 Birth of Cas Cedchaingnigh [35], king of Munster
721 Birth of Failbhe Iolcorach [36], king of Munster
696 Birth of Ronnach [37], king of Munster
671 Birth of Rotheachta [38], 35th Ard Ri of Ireland
646 Birth of Eliomh Ollfhionach [39], 36th Ard Ri of Ireland
621 Birth of Art Imleach [40], 38th Ard Ri of Ireland
596 Birth of Breas Rioghacta [41], 40th Ard Ri of Ireland
571 Birth of Seidnae Innaridh [42], 43rd Ard Ri of Ireland
546 Birth of Duach Fionn [43], 45th Ard Ri of Ireland
521 Birth of Eanna Dearg [44], 47th Ard Ri of Ireland
496 Birth of Lughaidh Iardhonn [45], 48th Ard Ri of Ireland
471 Birth of Eochaidh [46], 50th Ard Ri of Ireland
446 Birth of Lughaidh [47], 52nd Ard Ri of Ireland
421 Birth of Art [48], 54th Ard Ri of Ireland
396 Birth of Oilill Fionn [49], 56th Ard Ri of Ireland
371 Birth of Eochaidh [50], 57th Ard Ri of Ireland
346 Birth of Lughaidh Lagha [51], 60th Ard Ri of Ireland
321 Birth of Reacht Righ-dearg [52], king of Munster
296 Birth of Cobthach Caomh [53], king of Munster
271 Birth of Moghcorb [54], 72nd Ard Ri of Ireland
246 Birth of Fearcorb [55], 75th Ard Ri of Ireland
221 Birth of Adhambra Foltcain [56], 78th Ard Ri of Ireland
196 Birth of Niadhsedhaman [57], 83rd Ard Ri of Ireland
171 Birth of Ionadmaor [58], 87th Ard Ri of Ireland
146 Birth of Lughaidh Luaighne [59], 89th Ard Ri of Ireland
121 Birth of Cairbre Lusgleathan [60], king of Munster
96 Birth of Duach Dalladh Deadha [61], 91st Ard Ri of Ireland
71 Birth of Eochaidh Garbh [62], king of Munster
49 Birth of Muireadach Muchna [63], king of Munster
29 Birth of Loich Mor [64], king of Munster
9 Birth of Eanna Muncain [65], king of Munster
11 Birth of Dearg Theine [66], king of Munster
42 Birth of Dearg [67], king of Munster
73 Birth of Mogh Neid [68], king of Munster
104 Birth of Eoghan Mor [69], Joint Ard Ri of Ireland
135 Birth of Oilill Olum [70], king of Munster
170 Birth of Eoghan Mor II [71], crown prince of Munster
215 Birth of Fiacha Maolleathan [72], king of Munster
260 Birth of Oilill Flann-Beag [73], king of Munster
300 Birth of Lughaidh [74], king of Munster
340 Birth of Corc [75], king of Munster, lord of Cashel
380 Birth of Nathfraoch [76], crown prince of Munster
420 Birth of Aonghus [77], king of Munster, lord of Cashel
455 Birth of Felim [78], king of Munster, lord of Cashel
495 Birth of Crimthann [79], crown prince of Munster
535 Birth of Aodh Dubh [80], king of Munster, lord of Cashel
571 Birth of Finghin [81], last king of Munster, last lord of Cashel
606 Birth of Seachnasagh [82], lord of Knockgraffon
641 Birth of Fiachra na Gaircedh [83], lord of Knockgraffon
674 Birth of Flann Noba [84], lord of Knockgraffon
714 Birth of Dubhinracht [85], lord of Knockgraffon
754 Birth of Morough [86], lord of Knockgraffon
794 Birth of Moghtigern [87], lord of Knockgraffon
834 Birth of Maolura [88], lord of Knockgraffon
874 Birth of Eochaid (An Ui Suilleabhainn) [89]
914 Birth of Lorcan [90], lord of Knockgraffon
954 Birth of Buadhach Atha-Cra [91], lord of Knockgraffon
994 Birth of Aodh [92], lord of Knockgraffon
1034 Birth of Cathal [93], lord of Knockgraffon
1074 Birth of Buadhach O’Sullivan [94], lord of Knockgraffon
1114 Birth of Maccraith [95], lord of Knockgraffon
1134 Birth of Donal Mor [96], last lord of Knockgraffon
1166 Birth of Giolla Mochoda [97]
1200 Birth of Dunlong [98], the O’Sullivan Mor
1235 Birth of Murtagh Mor [99], the O’Sullivan Mor
1270 Birth of Bernard [100], the O’Sullivan Mor
1340 Birth of Dunlong [102], the O’Sullivan Mor
1375 Birth of Cragh [103], the last O’Sullivan Mor
1410 Birth of Donal [104], the O’Sullivan MacCragh
1444 Birth of Conor [105], the O’Sullivan MacCragh
1474 Birth of Eoghan [106], the O’Sullivan MacCragh
1504 Birth of Buodach [107], the O’Sullivan MacCragh
1534 Birth of Donogh (Dermot) [108], the O’Sullivan MacCragh
1564 Birth of Conor [109], the O’Sullivan MacCragh
1594 Birth of Owen [110], the O’Sullivan MacCragh
1624 Birth of Dermot [111], the O’Sullivan MacCragh
1654 Birth of Owen [112], the O’Sullivan MacCragh
1684 Birth of Dermot [113], the O’Sullivan MacCragh
1714 Birth of Sean O’Sullivan MacCragh [114]
1748 Birth of Seamus O’Sullivan MacCragh [115]
1788 Birth of Murtagh ‘Crah’ O’Sullivan MacCragh [116]
1816 Birth of Murtagh ‘Crah’ O’Sullivan MacCragh II [117]
1857 Birth of Mortimer James [118], O’Sullivan MacCragh
1890 Birth of Daniel Joseph I [119], O’Sullivan MacCragh
1920 Birth of Daniel Joseph II [120], O’Sullivan MacCragh
1947 Birth of Kathleen O’Sullivan MacCragh [121K]
1949 Birth of Daniel Joseph III [121D], O’Sullivan MacCragh
1955 Birth of Gary Brian [121G] O’Sullivan MacCragh
1965 Birth of Robert Barry [121R], O’Sullivan MacCragh
1967 Birth of Christine Ryan O’Sullivan MacCragh [122K-1]
1968 Birth of Daniel Joseph IV O’Sullivan MacCragh [122D-1]
1975 Birth of Leigh O’Sullivan Greiner [122D-2]
1981 Birth of Heather Anne O’Sullivan Ryan [122G-1]
1982 Birth of Jennifer Rileigh O’Sullivan MacCragh [122G-2]
1984 Birth of Patrick Brian O’Sullivan MacCragh [122D-3]
1988 Birth of Garryowen Brian O’Sullivan MacCragh [122G-3]
1994 Birth of Erin Alvey O’Sullivan MacCragh [122G-4]
1995 Birth of Robert Barryowen O’Sullivan II MacCragh [122R-1]
1996 Birth of Kelly Shea O’Sullivan MacCragh [123D-1-1]
1998 Birth of Megan Ann O’Sullivan MacCragh [123D-1-2]
1999 Birth of Donal Mor Connor O’Sullivan MacCragh [122G-5]
1999 Birth of Sean James O’Sullivan MacCragh [122R-2]
2006 Birth of Daniel Joseph O’Sullivan MacCragh [122R-3]
2006 Birth of Charles Richard Greiner II [123D-2-1]
2007 Birth of Vincent Justinian O’Sullivan Ryan [123G-1-1]
2007 Birth of Connor Sullivan McKinlay [123K-1-1]
Note: Documented primogeniture, as presented in O’Donovan’s Ordinance Survey, ends with Dermot [113]. The Book of Munster records the bloodline to Dermot [111]. Sean [114] and Seamus [115] are recorded in the Account Books of the Bantry House, Bantry, County Cork, Ireland. Murtagh [116] and Murtagh II [117] are listed in Griffiths Valuation. Mortimer [118] and Daniel [119] are found in the church records for the parish of Kilcasken, County Cork, Ireland. Daniel [120] and all of his progeny were born in the United States and have American documentation. All dates are approximate before 1857.